December 23, 2009

December in the Mountains of NC.

I was fortunate enough to be able to travel from Argentina to the mountains of North Carolina where I call home. While I was there I was blessed to be asked to speak in several different churches, I shared with them the ministry opportunities I have had over the last 8 months while serving in Argentina and even share the custom of mate with a few! The greatest amount of my time was just spent accompanying my mom, sister, and niece while they went about their everyday routines. I have loved making cupcakes, going to parties, getting shots, grocery shopping, and just hanging out and talking. You know it is so true, you don't know what you had till you don't have it anymore!


Who is a missionary?

We are all missionaries, we just have different fields of service. What is yours? I am an international missionary, I get to meet people of all different nationalities and become friends with them, you can too. No matter where you live or what you do our world is very diverse and there are people who need Jesus all around us, reach out to them!