December 12, 2009

An amazing November sets up for an incredible December!

Fingerprints from the Field

November/December 2009

Have you ever had something in your life that you had been looking forward to for months and then as it got closer you started to dread it because you knew it would require lots of preparation? Well ,that is kind of what I felt like during the month of November. I knew I had several things to do to prepare my ministries and my apartment before I left for a month. So, as I began buying the needed things for my visit to the states and finishing up my bible studies , nothing could have prepared me for what God was going to show me during my preparations.

Why throw in the towel?

I was praying with two Argentine girls with whom I had met in my church about many things but one thing very specific. We were learning about how to start " small groups" on Saturday's in training sessions with Jay Cook my mentor and fellow missionary all together. We were praying about where to start a small group in the community where the church is located. Well, we were giving the name of a family by the church pastor and we started a small church the 2nd week in November. Our first 2 weeks were not the most encouraging weeks one would wish for but they could have been worse. God showed us that we mustn't give up regardless of the circumstances. We had come up against some major obstacles so far but none like God faces everyday and we must stay consistent and faithful.

Everyone Needs Encouragement

My women's bible study on Friday nights came to a close the last Friday of November with a wonderful goodbye party at my house. I had over 15 girls in my house. I was so pleased to have so many people wanting to see me before I left to United States for the holidays. The girls have been such an encouragement to me for the last 3 months since we have been having this study and fellowship time. I know they think it is a time for me to be there for them but for me it is a much more of an encouragement for me that they even want to spent time with me. When I return just in time for the new year I plan to do something a little different for the next 4 months that I am in Santiago.

When He Found Me

I heard someone recently say during a discussion on what they like most about Christmas that it is the time to reflect on what has happened good and bad during the year. I feel like I have learned so much during this year, especially my time in Argentina. I have not just grown as a person but as a missionary. While I have been home for the last month I have had the privilege to speak at several churches, spend quality time with family and friends but most of all realize over and over again how relationships are the root of life. There was one relationship that started it all for me 21 years ago this month. It was 21 years ago this December that Jesus "found me." The following song explains it really well.

I saw three AM come and go again Another sleepless night, thanks to living my own way All my great ideas, I've regretted most of them But that was back long before the day When I saw a flash of light and I heard the sound Of a voice like thunder shake the ground It was the first time I remember ever feeling my heartbeat And the arms that gripped me felt like grace And I realized in their embrace To be held so tight I've never felt so free Also know as the day that you found me My whole life has changed ever since the day You came The way I see, the things I want, it's everything Some may call it strange, I don't care what people say I knew You were the only way I've never known a love like this You've captured my heart and You brought the sweetest Peace to my life, brought me into the light Now I'm all Yours, Jesus, draw me into You I don't think that I could ever be the same Who would want to be anyway

~ Big Daddy Weave

Thank you for your prayers and support this year. I can't express how important they have been for me. Please keep the prayers coming as I want to do God's will in every way. Pray as the IMB is still being restructured and a new president will come into office this July. I will be heading back to Argentina on the 29th and would appreciate your prayers for a safe flight.


Who is a missionary?

We are all missionaries, we just have different fields of service. What is yours? I am an international missionary, I get to meet people of all different nationalities and become friends with them, you can too. No matter where you live or what you do our world is very diverse and there are people who need Jesus all around us, reach out to them!