August 31, 2009

The last half of the Adventure!

The last part of the team adventure was in Bajo Grande a small community about an hour in the other direction going away from the city then Atamisqui. During this time the team got to minister at the Baptist Church at Bajo Grande but playing volleyball with the youth, telling the testimonies, preaching, and just loving on the them! Who says you're too old to play! Katie loving on some sweet girls!


Preach and Heal said...

Good to see the team had a great experience. You are in our prayers.

Who is a missionary?

We are all missionaries, we just have different fields of service. What is yours? I am an international missionary, I get to meet people of all different nationalities and become friends with them, you can too. No matter where you live or what you do our world is very diverse and there are people who need Jesus all around us, reach out to them!