January 1, 2009

Feliz Ano Nuevo
As the New Year is just a few hours away, many families here in Costa Rica have already begun to celebrate. They have chosen the 12 desires they want to see happen in 2009 and they will just wait till the clock stricks 12 and share them with their family as they eat 12 grapes. This signifies their effort and desire for good things to happen during the New Year. Many people also wear yellow clothing which is said to bring them luck during the New Year. I myself have some things I would be blessed to see happen within the next year. As I pray daily, I want God's desires to be my desires, I know only if these things are of the will of God will they come to pass. I am going to share with you my "blessings in waiting" list.
Blessings In Waiting
~ to have a steady nutrition and diet program ( working around allergies and vegetarianism)
~ to crave God's word all day long.
~ to constantly continue becoming bolder in my faith ( sharing Jesus no matter where I go)
~ to have more invitations from friends, to get out more
~ to have my health continually improve
~ to allow my self-esteem not only to multiply but to use it for God's glory
~ to have more national friends and language partners ( that are routine)
~ to be a keeper of my word, no matter how big or small the situation may be
~ to be open to whatever changes or experiences God sends my way
~ to be an example for my family and friends near and far
~ to never stop learning but not to let it rule my life ( find a hobby)
~ to continue to love the Spanish language and through that allow my skills to improve
~ to learn to budget being a good steward of the money I am given always.
~ to have more opportunities to work with children, my passion
~ to keep God first always, no matter what might seem more important, and through that be an encouragement to others.
2008 In Review~
2008 was filled with many hidden blessings! After 3.5 years in Bolivia I had to spend 8 solid months in the US and aside from going through major culture shock, it was a great time of renewal and quality time with my mother and home church.
I finally completed the process and was accepted with to the International Mission Board. This had been a goal I put in the back of my mind and left it till God's timing called. It was a long 9 months of processing but what a blessing it is to be with such a supportive mission board.
I was sent to San Jose, Costa Rica with 4 families I knew and had went with training with to better my Spanish knowledge. I honestly did not think I knew as much as I do! This time of cultural training and mentorship has been incredible.
Meeting an incredible national family where I have learned to step-up and lead a bible study in their home.
May God continue to send the challenges my way because with Him I can do anything!
Flying By His Grace,

Who is a missionary?

We are all missionaries, we just have different fields of service. What is yours? I am an international missionary, I get to meet people of all different nationalities and become friends with them, you can too. No matter where you live or what you do our world is very diverse and there are people who need Jesus all around us, reach out to them!